Balancing Ministry and Family

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An interview with Pst. Joyce Meka

An interview with Pst. Joyce Meka proved an eye opener in the continued balancing act that women are facing as they embrace their role in ministry, as wives, and as mothers. Pastor Joyce has been an active member of the GCI congregation pursuing an education in theology to become more effective in her calling. She is a woman I admire for what she is doing for the kingdom. Joyce tells me Bether Mulwa of her experience as a mother, wife, missionary, and pastor.


How have you been able to juggle family with ministry especially in mission?

Following Jesus comes with a cost one of which is sacrificing family time to serve God. God comes first, family second and church third according to the order of God. Since these three are important one has to give each good time. First of all, I can not pursue missions and church when my family is hurting so I have to balance. Prayer has worked well for me because I prayed and I always receive a blessing from my family to go out for mission or any church assignment. So the most important thing is balance. Matthew 8:18-22

Within a year how many missions do you target?

I don’t have a specific number I have set for souls but I have a target to at least go for one mega mission every year.

What is your husband‘s role/support in the process?

My husband plays the role of financing, prayer and moral support in my ministry. He also takes care of our family.

Have you found there are things you need to let go to be more effective in service?

I let go my businesses and jobs so as to be in full time ministry with no regrets. This should only be at God’s command. Remember the apostles were called when they were already doing something not idle and they were sure it was Jesus calling them out.

Is there an aspect of your life or a commitment that suffers because of your service and ministry?

I would not say any area suffers but I would say that sometimes my time with my children is limited especially when they close school.

Who do you define yourself as?

I would say that I am committed, determined, resilient and fully depended on God. I don’t give up easily.

Do you have any advise for women that wants to pursue ministry both full time and part time. What challenges should they look out for?

Full time ministry is very good but be sure you have heard from God. In full time ministry, you may not get the same amount of money you were getting in employment, people desert you thinking you are mad, people see it as a sign of giving up, the devil frustrates you, at first you are not well understood, for women you will be denied opportunities for service because men are more preferred. One should be prepared for all these.

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