An Elder’s Wife: A Helper in Ministry

It is such an honour and privilege to help and support the men of God in ministry and to serve God’s people as elders at GCI Central church.
My primary obligation as an elder’s wife is to serve my husband and help train and bring up our children in the fear of God and in the standards of His word. This is followed by supporting him in ministry as he serves God. Church Elders have greater opportunities and responsibility in service, and as an elder’s wife I am exposed to these opportunities to serve the body of Christ.
As a helper I am my husband’s greatest friend, listener, critique, encourager, and supporter. Many times I relieve him of tasks which may be considered to be his responsibility so that he can attend to ministry schedules. Like a co-driver in a rally, I assume the role of a navigator by standing in the gap and watching in prayer, intercession and doing spiritual warfare. I realized that we cannot bear much fruit or even accomplish a thing without prayer, for it is through prayer that God is moved to intervene in the issues of men on earth.
I find much joy and fulfillment in serving God through ministering to His people or supporting the leadership in ministry. Every day is a learning experience, I get to learn new things, interact with people and grow more in the Lord. The Holy Spirit our great teacher and helper is my enabler in all things. What I discovered is that there is so much to do just as Christ said in
Mathew 9:37
“the harvest is truly great but the laborers are few”.
Therefore as brethren we need to readily avail ourselves for God’s work, put on the amour of God and the right attitude and actively support others in fulfilling the great commission.
I realized that once a leader, one is under so much pressure from society, and so much is expected of them, not to mention the watchful eye of the public and the community at large. Many of us believe that as an elder, one “should” be doing certain things in certain ways at certain times in order to be counted worthy. They also believe that we “should” know better and be able to avoid certain valleys and pitfalls.
The truth is, nothing we do or do not do determines or diminishes our worth in God’s eyes. We are only human and prone to mistakes, but still a work in progress and a product of God’s grace. All the same, we encourage, listen to, pray with and minister hope to brethren, church members and those in need as we also work out our salvation with fear and trembling before God who has called us to His service.
I want to encourage all women, let our fulfillment, worth and value be drawn from serving God. When we serve God, His love attends to every moment of our lives, despite the challenges that come our way, He is always there in our midst, working things out for our good when we pray and look to him to do so. The bible commands us to humble ourselves before the Lord and He will lift us up. Therefore, let us strive to live in obedience to God and try our best to be at peace with all people as we are commanded by God’s word. Woman, the best thing you can be is yourself, allow the Father-God to do the moulding, in His own image and likeness.
I appreciate the pastorate and fellow elders for the wise counsel, the help they have continually accorded us. I specifically acknowledge the excellent leadership of our Bishop Charles and Nelly Mulema and the senior pastors Simon and Mercy Muasya and the entire GCI leadership. We are greatly inspired by their integrity and humility and the way they have whole heartedly dedicated themselves to God’s work. It is a good thing to serve the Lord.
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