Finding Your Place in Prayer
GCI Rapid Church Planting Strategy (RCPS)
Towards the close of last year, the Lord spoke to the General Overseer of Gospel Centres International (GCI), Rev. Charles Mulema that 2017 will be “A YEAR OF SETTLEMENT FOR GCI’’. This is as concerns the RCPS, which envisions GCI having a branch Church in all the 47 Counties in Kenya by the year 2030. Mark 16: The Lord has promised to give us the land and cause us to possess the nations and make disciples for him in all the nations.
When the vision was proclaimed, most of us may have wondered how we can be part of the vision and possibly many have still not identified their place in what God has commissioned us to do. However, each one has something to do in fulfilling the vision. One of the ways all of us can participate in fast tracking the fulfillment of the RCPS is through Prayer.
What is Prayer?
Prayer is a communication process that allows us to talk to God and Him to talk to us. Prayer is simply a dialogue between us and God. We can all dedicate ourselves to reminding God about His word to us and in prayer asking him to accomplish that which he has said.
Why Prayer is Key in Fulfilling the RCPS
Matthew 9:36-38
36 When He saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion and pity for them, because they were dispirited and distressed, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”
The scriptures here indicate the condition of the field where God is sending us to. Man without Jesus is like sheep without a shepherd and is prone to all forms of satanic molestation. As we pray, the Holy Spirit opens our inner eyes to understand the need. As we pray, God also gives us the compassion for the lost. Then we respond by praying for the souls of men for God‘s intervention.
My understanding of this scripture is that we on our own cannot fulfill the great commission without seeking God‘s intervention in the matter. Jesus by telling the disciples to pray was actually showing them and us the secret to soul winning and doing the will of the Father. I therefore believe that the key to accomplishing the RCPS as God desires is PRAYER.
What Happens When We Pray?
One of the examples of results of prayer is narrated in
Acts 13:1 -3 (Amp)
1 In the church at Antioch, there were some prophets and teachers. They were Barnabas, Simeon (also called Niger), Lucius (from the city of Cyrene), Manaen (who had grown up with King Herod[a]), and Saul.2 These men were all serving the Lord and fasting when the Holy Spirit said to them, “Appoint Barnabas and Saul to do a special work for me. They are the ones I have chosen to do it.” 3 So the church fasted and prayed. They laid their hands on Barnabas and Saul and sent them out.
True shepherds will be birthed in Prayer
- From the scripture we see that the Holy Spirit spoke and directed on who he wanted sent for the work of the ministry. God has a purpose for every county; the counties where we come from are lacking true and genuine shepherds who can feed them with the true word of God. When we believe the word of God, then we pray without ceasing for its fulfillment until we see the counties and nations reached with His word
- Prayer will activate the power of the Holy Spirit upon the church as in Acts 1: The first disciples were faithful to the Lord’s command they tarried in prayer
- God has the Master Plan for the church planting, which will be revealed to us as we pray, the set time for each County will be revealed in Prayer.
- Prayer will open the souls of men for the Gospel
- Prayer will set the Captives free from bondage according to Mark 16:17
- Prayer will cause great signs and wonders to follow as the word is preached
- Prayer will release the resources needed
- Prayer will cause the hands of the laborers to be strengthened as it happened to Joshua when Hur and Aaron held Moses’s hands in Exodus 17:12 which gives the account of the Israelites in battle and the secret to Joshua’s victory. Indeed the RCPS needs men and women of God like Hur and Aaron who will lift up and strengthen the hands of our leaders in prayer as they spear head the work.
Maybe you are not an Evangelist but you can pray that God sends out Evangelists to preach in the counties. You may say I am not a pastor but you can pray for God to raise pastors for the new church plants. Others may be saying that they cannot teach or prophesy and are not Apostles, yet the Lord wants you to do what you can, PRAY.
Someone Needs to Arise for Their County
Judges 5: 7 (ESV) says that;
The villagers ceased in Israel; they ceased to be until I arose; I, Deborah, arose as a mother in Israel.
It is therefore clear that our villages need someone to arise on their behalf and call on God for their deliverance. We are hearing on a daily basis about the enemy killing our fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins, brothers through alcohol, drug addiction, witchcraft, poverty, ignorance and religion and all manner of vices. Yes only fervent prayer can and will turn round the situation of village life.
Those of us who come from One County can adopt a county and commit to pray until something happens in these counties. We can form COUNTY prayer teams and back up the County Coordinators in prayer as they spear head the missions and church planting. We can dedicate minutes, hours and days of prayer for this cause. Further, still we can organize prayer missions to our counties. What-ever prayer initiative the Holy Spirit leads will contribute greatly in changing the Spiritual status of our Counties and preparing the people to receive the word of God.
Adopt a county in Prayer
It is now time to arise and pray for our leaders, the counties and nation until God accomplishes His purposes. I am convinced that prayer can accelerate the RCPS and the vision can be fulfilled even before the Year 2030. May God stir up our hearts to commit to this cause. Amen
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